io si muguru la bestfest.jpg

Meet the

*a phototrotter is a photo-taking, blog-keeping travelling creature


Cristina ( used to be the editor of an online magazine, where she wrote about pretty much everything, covering music, art, literature, film, travel, lifestyle, food, etc. Now she's a photographer, covering pretty much the same topics.

Mugurel ( has been working for over 15 years for the same security company, as a server tamer. In his spare time he likes taking photos, and his motto is "If you want to be a better photographer, stand in front of more interesting stuff."

Manny ( is an obscure vanguard of the selfie generation, cool before it was cool, an alter ego of the Phototrotters (who did not use to take their own photos, but gladly asked Manny to pose). Manny gets his name from the main character in Grim Fandango - "My name is Manuel Calavera and I will be your travel agent". He loves to travel feet up and head down in a backpack pocket and has a soft spot for cheesy photographic clichés. And for photobombing.

We’re all on Instagram, too:


Our travel photo-log can be explored in different ways: browsing the blog, or picking your destination on the map.

N.B. This blog was started in 2013 in Romanian, but in 2019 we decided to go international, so until we translate all the old articles, be a sport, use a browser translating extension, will ya? Thank you.

If you enjoyed our travelling tales, take us out for a virtual coffee!
(To keep us awake and spin even more stories)

Seasonal logo elements designed by pikisuperstar, klyaksun and brgfx / Freepik